협동 사회 연대 경제/협동조합

2021 협동조합의 날 & ICA 세계협동조합 대회

협동조합 사이 협동가 2021. 5. 24. 08:41

Rebuild Better Together: 2021 International Day of Cooperatives announced | ICA

Next 3 July, the International Day of Cooperatives (#CoopsDay) will be celebrated as  “Rebuild better together” . Cooperatives around the world will showcase how they are meeting the COVID-19 pandemic crisis with solidarity and resilience and offering communities a  people-centred and environmentally just recovery.

33rd World Cooperative Congress | ICA

Wednesday 1 December 2021 Friday 3 December 2021 Walkerhill Hotel / 177 Walkerhill-ro Gwangjin-gu. Seoul. South Korea